Thursday, January 13, 2011


OK I admit I am getting older and my memory is a little fuzzy on some details but this morning I realized if I don't write it down it just doesn't happen. If I go to the grocery store without a list written I end up coming home with a bunch of stuff that I really don't know what I am going to do with. I am pretty good at writing things down but yesterday morning a friend called and asked for a ride to the airport at 4:30 am. "Sure," I said but didn't write it down, didn't tell any one and just left my memory to remember it...I mean it wasn't even 24 hours I should be able to remember that! Nope. She called at 4:35 while I was sound asleep and ended up driving herself. I am going to go get her car this afternoon but geez I can't believe that I would completely forget!

The one memory I do have that Jon and I disagree on is that he kissed me first! He says I kissed him but that was back in the day where I never make the first move (now that I am married I am over that!)

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